What Can You Expect To Get From An MBA?

It is very important for you to know what to expect from your MBA. It can literally make or break your experience. Here are the possible scenarios:

If you know what you want an MBA will help you get there. Let us take an example. You know you want to start a business, so get involved in the entrepreneurship club, network with local entrepreneurs, find resources to make your business plan and if things go well even launch your business. You can apply the same things to finance, consulting, or any other profession.

Now if you did not know what you wanted an MBA will only mean a lot of debt, lost income, and a waste of time. Let us take an example. You show up at your business school because you just hated your hold job so much and thought you will get 2 years to decide what you want. You attend club meetings of the finance and consulting club. You really liked the welcome event of the consulting club, and felt consulting could be the place to go. You start applying for jobs and realize that you don’t fit in well with the job culture and all the traveling. You decide you should give finance a try. You talk to recruiters and they ask you why you were not at the networking event in the first week of school. Now you cannot tell them you have not decided what you really want because companies want students who know what they want. So in the end you are in no man’s land.

Your MBA will never be a total waste, but if you knew your goals, you will get so much more from it.


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