Location vs Ranking of a School: What Matters More?

So you got in two schools - one that is ranked higher than the other, but the other one is in a bigger city. What to do now?!?! In my opinion, always and ALWAYS go with the location school unless you made it to the top 5-7 schools.

Lets say you want to work in internet/technology sector after graduation. And you made it to Duke and UT Austin. Duke is a higher ranked school than Austin, much higher. But if I were you, I would choose Austin. Here is why:

1. Ranking is just a number, it only goes so far. What matters is the number of companies willing to hire you. Austin is a tech hub now, and is growing rapidly. You will have a lot of local companies that will be looking for talent. They wont be amazon and microsoft, but will be great companies.

2. These companies will have a much better relationship with UT Austin that Duke. Many employees might just be alumni - BIG PLUS.

3. Many companies are willing to hire interns, but they want local interns so you can work for them during school too. I lost an internship because of this. This awesome company in Austin wanted to hire me but since I was not a local, they didn't. It was a horrible feeling.

4. Your networking during school will be industry relevant and actually helpful. I went to so many networking sessions at UNC, most of them useless for me. If I wanted to work in Finance or consulting, it would have been different.

Hope this helps. I welcome questions and comments.


trader said...

as usual a great post and very informative.

Keep em coming

Anshul said...

thanks... any specific thing you want me to write about?

trader said...

Anything on the portability factor. Lets take an example - A Duke's MBA has a better name than say UNC. In the long run would you say that entails better portability using the brand name moving places/countries.
UNC MBA may get a great job in and around that area but would it handicap one's chances to move around...
Just random thoughts. I think i could have phrased the question better....oh well.

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