Application Strategy for your B-School

It is very important to get your strategy right for each business school. Your story should clearly say what your goals are and how this MBA and more importantly this school fits into your long term goals. Your essays and resume should reflect this strategy very clearly. Think about it this way. If you are applying to Wharton, your story should that finance is the love of your life. You have always dreamt of working on Wall Street and that’s the reason you studied finance in college. And for the same reason you joined this local bank and want an MBA to learn more about finance and then take the leap to a hedge fund. Get the point?

I understand that your story might not fit as well, but try to find transferrable skills and make the best story you can. Discuss your story with current students and alumni and get their feedback and tweak your story accordingly.


Anonymous said...

Great post as usual. Are you implying that even the CV's should be tweaked for each school?

Anshul said...

definitely man, for Stanford focus on tech and entrepreneurship, for Chicago focus on finance.

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