Importance of Business School Culture

Most students just ignore the culture of the school. It is very important to see what the culture of a school is like. You can find out abt the culture by talking to alumni and current students. All schools will tell you that students and faculty are very friendly and great, and they are. However, there are differences. For example, students at X school will be competitive but at school Y will not be so much. So, if you are the type of person who is very competitive, go for school X. This is even more important if you are an International Student. I have seen that things can be very different for international students. So I recommend that you talk to students from your country and get their point of views, and LISTEN to what they are saying. It would be very wrong to just assume that things will be different for you.

There is also a non academic part to the culture - social events, etc. Some schools are very inclined towards having a lot of social events and some not so much. So, if you are the kind of person who loves to go out and meet new people, you might want to choose a school that has a lot of social events.

Again, I cannot stress how important culture is for you as it will affect your experience and performance at the business school.


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